Invited Sessions

Each Invited Session is expected to consist of at least one 2-hour session (6 presentations of 20 minutes each). The number of sessions of each IS will be determined by the multiples of six papers submitted.

In each IS a Keynote lecture is allowed every two full sessions of the IS, where a keynote presentation normally comprises two presentation slots. This means you should have at least 10 confirmed presentations to schedule a KL.

The above scheduling includes time for questions and discussion.

Organized by: P. Zulian (Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland), H. Kothari (Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland), A. Kopanicakova (Toulouse-INP, IRIT, ANITI, Switzerland), P. Benedusi (Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland) and R. Krause (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
Keywords: Coupled problems, machine learning, Multiphysics
Organized by: C. Fernandes (University of Porto, Portugal)
Keywords: Coupled problems, Multiscale, Numerical methods, Particle-laden flows
Organized by: M. Tezzele (Emory University, United States) and B. Moya (ENSAM Institute of Technology, France)
Keywords: data-driven methods, Digital twins, Numerical methods for coupled problems, reduced order model (ROM), Scientific machine learning
Organized by: S. De (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, United States)
Keywords: artificial intelligence and machine learning, biomedical applications, computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, Immersed boundary method, machine learning, multi-physics, Multiscale, solvers
Organized by: F. Moro (Università di Padova, Italy) and I. Niyonzima (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
Keywords: Multiphysics, Multiscale, Computational electromagnetics, Numerical methods
Organized by: T. Rabczuk (Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany), X. Zhuang (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany), N. Valizadeh (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) and H. Hu (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
Keywords: Coupled problems, fluid-structure interaction, Multiphysics
Organized by: A. Hoover (Cleveland State University, United States), L. Miller (University of Arizona, United States), E. Lushi (New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States), Y. Young (New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States) and S. Lim (University of Cincinnati, United States)
Keywords: biomedical applications, computational fluid dynamics, Computational mechanics, fluid-structure interaction, Immersed boundary method
Organized by: M. Girfoglio (SISSA, Italy), A. Quaini (University of Houston, United States) and G. Rozza (SISSA, Italy)
Organized by: V. Golubev (ERAU, United States) and W. MacKunis (ERAU, United States)
Keywords: Active, computational methods, control, flow, noise
Organized by: M. Loveland (Army Corps of Engineers, United States), C. Trahan (Army Corps of Engineers, United States) and E. Valseth (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway)
Keywords: Multiphysics
Organized by: L. Sanavia (University of Padua, Italy) and C. Tamagnini (University of Perugia, Italy)
Keywords: Computational mechanics, Constitutive modelling, Damage, Fracture, Multiphysics, Multiscale, Numerical methods for coupled problems, Porous media mechanics, Strain localization, THCM coupled problems
Organized by: M. Barzegari (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) and A. Forner-Cuenca (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Keywords: Coupled problems, Multiphysics, Multiscale, numerical modelling
Organized by: Z. Yosibash (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Keywords: AI, Bone, Clinical Applications, CT, PFM
Organized by: B. Pomaro (University of Padova, Italy), G. Mazzucco (University of Padova, Italy) and K. Park (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Keywords: concrete, Coupled problems, Multiphysics, Multiscale, Numerical methods
Organized by: C. Linte (Rochester Institute of Technology, United States) and S. Shontz (The University of Kansas, United States)
Keywords: biomedical applications, computational simulation, image processing, numerical modelling
Organized by: S. Dal Pont (Université Grenoble Alpes, France), H. Cheick Sleiman (University College London, United Kingdom), M. Moreira (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil), A. Tengrattini (Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), France) and G. Sciumé (Université de Bordeaux, France)
Keywords: computational simulation, image processing, Multiphysics, Multiscale, porous media, Simulation and experiments
Organized by: R. Melnik (MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Insti, Canada) and H. Shaheen (University of Manitoba, Canada)
Keywords: artificial intelligence and machine learning, biomedical applications, complex systems, computational simulation, Coupled problems, data-driven methods, physical and engineering systems, physics-based approaches
Organized by: S. Dutta (The University of Texas at Austin, United States), M. Farthing (USACE Engineer Research and Development Cente, United States) and C. Dawson (The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, machine learning, operator inference, reduced order model (ROM), Scientific machine learning
Organized by: B. TANG (CNES, FRENCH SPACE AGENCY, France), A. LIMAM (INSA Lyon University, France) and T. BUI (INSA Lyon University, France)
Keywords: hull vibrations, numerical modelling
Organized by: E. Centofanti (Università di Pavia, Italy), N. Huynh (Università di Pavia, Italy) and S. Scacchi (Università di Milano, Italy)
Keywords: computational simulation, domain decomposition, Multiphysics, Multiscale, solvers
Organized by: M. Shakoor (IMT Nord Europe, France), F. Aldakheel (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany) and J. Yvonnet (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)
Keywords: machine learning, Multiscale, reduced order model (ROM)
Organized by: W. Boon (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Norway), A. Fumagalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and F. Radu (University of Bergen, Norway)
Keywords: Multiphysics, porous media, solvers
Organized by: C. Giannelli (University of Florence, Italy), A. Reali (University of Pavia, Italy) and G. Sangalli (University of Pavia, Italy)
Organized by: P. Kuberry (Sandia National Laboratories, United States) and P. Bochev (Sandia National Laboratories, United States)
Keywords: Coupled problems, Digital twins, Multiphysics, Multiscale
Organized by: M. Larson (Umea University, Sweden), A. Massing (NTNU, Norway), E. Rank (Technical University of Munich, Germany) and G. Scovazzi (Duke University, United States)
Keywords: Cut finite element method, fictious domain method, Finite cell method, Immersed boundary method, unfitted finite element method
Organized by: D. Klein (TU Darmstadt, Germany), O. Weeger (TU Darmstadt, Germany), K. Kalina (TU Dresden, Germany), M. Kästner (TU Dresden, Germany), R. Ortigosa (TU Cartagena, Spain), J. Fuhg (UT Austin, United States) and W. Sun (Columbia University, United States)
Keywords: Material Modeling, Multiphysics, Numerical Methods, Physics-Augmented Machine Learning
Organized by: J. Degroote (Ghent University, Belgium), M. Schulte (University of Stuttgart, Germany) and N. Hosters (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Keywords: coupling, partitioned
Organized by: M. Mayr (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany), P. Zunino (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and K. Mardal (University of Oslo, Norway)
Keywords: Multiphysics
Organized by: G. Stabile (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy), B. Rosic (University of Twente, Netherlands), R. Halder (SISSA, Italy) and R. Maulik (The Pennsylvania State University, United States)
Keywords: reduced order model (ROM), Scientific machine learning, uq
Organized by: I. CAROL (UPC, Spain), G. XOTTA (UniPD, Italy) and M. FERRONATO (UniPD, Italy)
Organized by: E. Bachini (University of Padua, Italy), M. Farthing (US Army Corps of Engineers, United States), R. Maxwell (Princeton University, United States) and M. Putti (University of Padua, Italy)
Keywords: Environmental modeling, Hydrology, Multiphysics, Multiscale, Surface-Subsurface Coupling
Organized by: J. Cesar de Sa (Porto University, Portugal), A. Reis (Porto University, Portugal), J. Pedro Oliveira (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal) and R. Darabi (Porto University, Portugal)
Keywords: additive manufcaturing, computational simulation, Multiphysics, Multiscale
Organized by: G. Chourdakis (University of Stuttgart, Germany) and B. Uekermann (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Keywords: fluid-structure interaction, Multiphysics, Multiscale
Organized by: D. Boffi (KAUST, Saudi Arabia), F. Credali (IMATI-CNR, Italy) and L. Gastaldi (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Organized by: S. Glas (University of Twente, Netherlands) and K. Urban (Ulm University, Germany)
Keywords: AI, Numerical methods
Organized by: I. Tezaur (Sandia National Labs, United States), T. Taddei (INRIA Bordeaux, France) and I. Prusak (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avan, Italy)
Keywords: coupling, data-driven, domain decomposition, multi-physics, multi-scale, operator inference, reduced order model (ROM)
Organized by: D. Auroux (Universite Cote Azur, France), F. Rapetti (Universite Cote Azur, France) and E. Serre (Universite Aix-Marseille, France)
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, Multiphysics, Multiscale, physical and engineering systems
Organized by: M. Carraturo (University of Pavia, Italy), S. Morganti (University of Pavia, Italy) and F. Auricchio (University of Pavia, Italy)
Keywords: additive manufcaturing, data-driven methods, Multiphysics, Multiscale, numerical modelling
Organized by: M. Strazzullo (DISMA, Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and F. Pichi (SISSA, mathLab, Italy)
Keywords: data-driven strategies, projection-based strategies, reduced order methods
Organized by: G. Sosa Jones (Oakland University, United States) and L. Cappanera (University of Houston, United States)
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, finite element, Multiphysics
Organized by: T. Bui-Thanh (Oden Institute for Computational Engineering, United States) and T. Horvath (Oakland University, United States)
Keywords: finite element, high-order
Organized by: V. Faucher (CEA, France) and G. Ricciardi (CEA, France)
Keywords: fluid-structure interaction, large scale computing, Numerical methods, numerical modelling, partitioned, Simulation and experiments
Organized by: L. Chacon (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States), A. Christlieb (Michigan State University, United States) and J. Hu (University of Washington, United States)
Keywords: Computational electromagnetics, computational simulation, Multiphysics, Numerical methods
Organized by: P. Betsch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Keywords: computational methods, Multiphysics
Organized by: J. Ponthot (University of Liège, Belgium) and D. Celentano (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile)
Keywords: computational simulation, Multiphysics, numerical modelling
Organized by: D. Schiavazzi (University of Notre Dame, United States), G. Geraci (Sandia National Laboratories, United States) and D. Tartakovsky (Stanford University, United States)
Keywords: artificial intelligence and machine learning, multi-fidelity, Multiphysics, Multiscale, uncertainty quantification
Organized by: M. Cremonesi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), A. Franci (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya\ CIMNE, Spain), A. Larese (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy) and V. Singer (Technical University of Munic, Germany)
Keywords: DEM, MPM, particle methods, PFEM, SPH
Organized by: A. J. Gil (Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, United Kingdom), R. Ortigosa (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain), J. Martinez-Frutos (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain) and J. Bonet (CIMNE/UPC , Spain)
Keywords: artificial intelligence and machine learning, Mesh based, meshless based techniques, Multiphysics, Phase field, scale bridging and homogenisation, stabilisation methods
Organized by: J. Gimenez (CIMNE, Spain), S. Idelsohn (CIMNE, Spain) and E. Oñate (CIMNE, Spain)
Keywords: aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, machine learning, Multiscale, turbulence
Organized by: O. Furat (Ulm University, Germany) and T. Carraro (Helmut Schmidt University, Germany)
Keywords: Spatial stochastic modeling, High-resolution microscopy, Machine learning, Multi-physics modeling, Virtual materials testing
Organized by: L. Radtke (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany), J. Heners (MTU Aero Engines AG, Germany) and J. Haubner (University of Graz, Austria)
Keywords: Adjoint methods, Coupled problems, Gradient descent, Optimization, Surrogate models
Organized by: S. Taheri (Virginia Tech, United States)
Keywords: aerodynamics, Coupled problems, fluid-structure interaction, Multiphysics, Multiscale, physics-based approaches
Organized by: J. Bruchon (Mines Saint-Étienne, France) and L. Silva (École Centrale de Nantes, France)
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, curvature, discontinuity capturing, Multiscale, surface tension, wetting
Organized by: P. Antonietti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), I. Fumagalli (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), M. Kuchta (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway) and M. Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
Keywords: finite element, linear solvers, multiphysics, neuroscience, Numerical methods for coupled problems, reduced order methods, Scientific machine learning
Organized by: N. Ferro (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), M. Lupo Pasini (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States) and S. Perotto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Keywords: 3D printing, Multiphysics, Multiscale, Optimal design
Organized by: D. Kuhl (University of Kassel, Germany), J. Mergheim (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), W. Wagner (University of the Federal Armed Forces HH, Germany), S. Eisenträger (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany) and E. Woschke (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany)
Keywords: continuum mechanics, finite element method, large deformation or motions, Multi-physics modeling
Organized by: D. Ramalho Queiroz Pacheco (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) and R. Schussnig (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, IMEX, Multiphysics, partitioned, partitioned FSI, splitting methods
Organized by: S. Valvano (University of Derby, United Kingdom) and R. Ciardiello (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Keywords: Computational mechanics, Health monitoring, Multi-physics modeling, Multiscale, Simulation and experiments
Organized by: C. Ghnatios (University of North Florida, United States), A. Barasinski (Institut Clément Ader (ICA) ; Université de T, France), M. Attallah (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) and M. Megahed (ESI Germany GmbH, Germany)
Keywords: hybrid models, Machine learning, model augmentation, uncertainty propagation, uncertainty quantification
Organized by: H. Hetzler (University of Kassel / Institute for Mechanic, Germany) and F. Boy (TH Nürnberg, Faculty for MechEng., Germany)
Keywords: actuators, dynamics, electric motors, electro-mechanical systems, MEMS, multiple time scales, Multiscale, power electronics, sensors, switches
Organized by: F. Bonizzoni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), M. Corti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and S. Pagani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Keywords: geophysics, high-order, life sciences
Organized by: A. Warkentin (Universität Kassel, Germany), M. Reichel (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany), S. Lange (Universität Kassel, Germany) and L. Behlen (Universität Kassel, Germany)
Keywords: Multiphysics, Multiscale